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System of Popular and Citizen Participation of Canoas - Brazil

This experience won the 10h IOPD Award (2016)


City of Canoas




The city of Canoas is part of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. With a population of over 320,000 inhabitants, the city is an industrial center and has 38 ° Gross Domestic Product - GDP among all Brazilian cities and 3rd of Rio Grande do Sul with a diversified economy. Canoas is now national and international reference in citizen participation and transparency in public management, with innovative tools. The city also stands as an educational pole with the second state educational network.

Since 2009, the local administration started an innovative project in local management, based on transparency, citizen participation, social inclusion and qualification of public services. The municipality has advanced in the process of citizen participation with the creation of channels of communication and interaction with citizens to address and find solutions to the challenges of a growing city.

The municipal administration has then implemented the System of Popular and Citizen Participation that involves a set of initiatives oriented for decentralization of management, providing a rapprochement between the government and civil society. The system, which each year adds new forms of participation, now covers 13 tools organized into five areas, according to the characteristics, methods of planning, level of participation and monitoring demands.

The System of Popular and Citizen Participation consists of the following tools:

Collective Tools Action Lawsuits

Individual applications tools

Collaborative tool

Strategic Development Tools

Coordination tools

In seven years of the current municipal administration, more than 170 thousand people participated of the tools of the System of Popular and Citizen Participation.