
New York City Idea Collection Map


United States

Type of experience

participatory budgeting


governance and transparency


SDG 11 SDG 16

New York and the creation of its innovative project based on participatory budgeting structured on sharing ideas in the network map. Proposals and plans from the New York community regarding issues of city budget, become real regulations proposed by citizens to achieve participatory and democratic flowering, that  proposals will be chosen by a voting process inside the aforementioned community.  


The central objective of this project is directly related to generating a platform in the form of a collective space that allows a free and active citizens participation inside this city and at some point somehow become immersed within the scope and issues related to the use of New York budget, through coordination between citizens and budget management delegates.


One of the most innovative ways in terms of direct democracy and participatory budgeting is clearly what this North American initiative proposes, which put decisions in the hands of citizens in terms of which is the budget amount that will be used, all this based on ideas collected from an online platform that allows interaction between all the participants and the publications of different territorial sectors of New York.


The amount that will be managed in this project in terms of public budget is $ 1,000,000, this amount will be practically in the hands of the members of the community. Within the map that this platform provides, citizens can send their ideas based on the needs of each territory in an active and didactic way. Therefore, the idea collection map work as an innovative and informative blog format that allows a individual and direct approach to their city and with the  inhabitants of it.


What happens next?

After having submitted the proposal on the map, it will be reviewed by the budget delegates shaping proposals somehow and making them a reality that aims to help the community and its democratic development, the we must understand that within this phase the proposals will go through a voting process for their subsequent election.

Important points:

It is important to mention that anyone can propose an idea within the map, also, the chosen ideas should be for projects referring to physical infrastructure for public benefit, as well as improvements in parks or new technologies for schools, projects or proposals that exceeding these limits and being extremely expensive will not serve the purposes of this project. The ideas that are published will be of the domain of each district depending on each territory. This practice allows a continuous flowering of active and equal participation that promises to overcome the new challenges that the concept of democracy and participation in these times brings with it.

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