Launched in 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a
multilateral initiative which currently brings together 69 member states, NGOs
and representatives from civil society in a collegial governance.
At the global level, OGP is committed to promoting the
principles of open and transparent government through civic consultation and
participation, reinforcing public integrity and the fight against corruption,
and increasing access to new technologies to foster democracy, promote
innovation and stimulate progress. Since the OGP’s creation, participating
countries have made over 2,000 commitments to make their governments more open
and accountable.
As a forum for sharing best practices, OGP provides a unique
platform that brings together, stimulates and expands the community of state
reformers worldwide.
France will serve as Lead Chair on the OGP steering
committee from October 2016. As such, France will host the OGP Global Summit at
the end of the year. Representatives from governments, academia, civil society
and international organizations will gather to share their experiences and best
practices and push forward the open government global agenda in light of the
great challenges of the modern world. Jean-Vincent Placé, Minister of State for
State Reform and Simplification, is the French government representative to the
The OGP Global Summit 2016 will take place in Paris, France
on December 7, 8 and 9. The agenda for the Global Summit will be based on an
open call for proposals from the entire open government community. The final
agenda will be announced in September.