


General Assembly

It’s made up of all OIDP members and it’s the sovereign body of the organization.

Coordinating committee

It’s made up of the Presidency, the General Secretary and the Regional Offices. It leads the OIDP in the assemblies period.


The presidency has the function of institutional and political leadership and representation of the network. It is composed of:

  • The president: the elected official of the city organising the conference in the current year.
  • The co-president: the elected official of the city that organised the conference in the previous year.
  • The co-president for gender equality: an elected woman holds this co-chair for the promotion of gender equality.

General Secretary

A local government which is an OIDP member holds it for a 3-year-period and it is renewable and it comprises the OIDP Technical Secretary. Its functions are, on the one hand, to manage the OIDP webpage, the experiences bank, the resources bank, the activities calendar and the news section; and on the other hand, to coordinate the OIDP activities, the different Regional Offices, and to represent the OIDP before various authorities it has links with.

Promoters Members

The Promoters Members are local or regional governments that make a financial contribution substantial to the OIDP and are part of the steering committee. The promoting members are currently:

  • the city of Grenoble (France)
  • the city of Montreal (Canada)
  • the city of Valongo (Portugal)
  • the city of Lyon (France)
  • the city of São Paulo (Brazil)
  • the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sweden)

Standing Scientific Committee

Formed by a group of experts in deliberative and participatory democracy as well as in urbanism, municipalism and the OIDP's field of work, this committee will advise the OIDP on its activities and projects.

Adopted at the 2023 Assembly, work is currently underway to configure its composition.

Regional Offices

Offices responsible for the OIDP in a specific geographical area. Their functions are to represent OIDP, to look for new members and to forge alliances with regional organizations.

The OIDP currently has the following active Regional Office:

Daniel Passerini

President OIDP 2025
Co-President OIDP 2026

Mayor of Córdoba, Argentina

Daniel Passerini has served as Mayor of Córdoba since 2023, following his tenure as Vice-Mayor (2019–2023) and President of the Deliberative Council. During his time in office, he has prioritized innovation and decentralization in municipal governance.

A trained medical doctor with a specialty in General Medicine from the National University of Córdoba, he also holds a postgraduate degree in Clinical Toxicology from the Medical Council of Córdoba.

Passerini’s extensive public service experience includes roles as councilor and provincial legislator, where he has consistently championed social inclusion, gender equality, and community development.

José Manuel Ribeiro

President OIDP 2024
Co-President OIDP 2025

Mayor of Valongo

José Manuel Ribeiro has been Mayor of Valongo since 2013. He holds a degree in International Relations, with an MBA in Business Management - specialisation in Marketing from the Catholic University of Porto. He has diversified professional experience in both the public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally. He is a member of the staff of the Portuguese Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade (AICEP).

Nelly Ouassenan

Co-president of the OIDP for gender equality 2023-2025

2nd Deputy Mayor of Cocody

Nelly Patricia Awa Ouassenan is a company lawyer and a graduate of Abidjan Law School. She is Administrative and Legal Director of a life insurance company in Côte d'Ivoire. She has also been Deputy Mayor of Cocody in the Autonomous District of Abidjan since 2018. She was the organiser of the 20th OIDP conference, held in Abidjan in 2021, which focused on promoting participatory democracy to build sustainable cities.