This event will be held at the
University of Bristol on 17-18 March 2017, and is supported by the British
Academy through the Rising Stars Engagement Awards programme. The workshop will
bring together academics, policymakers and civil society representatives to
discuss historical and philosophical questions around democratic participation
as well as case studies of innovative methods of citizen engagement that
transcend the conventional top-down modes of governance. Around the world,
there is discussion about a lack of democratic engagement, declining turnouts
in general elections, and declining rates of membership in political parties.
Against this backdrop, the workshop seeks to open up a conversation on public
engagement beyond the ballot box for general elections.
Examples of topics would include:
- deliberative (constitutional) assemblies, - social movements channelled
through political and judicial avenues, - public consultations, - participatory
budgeting, - public readings in legislatures, 2 - crowdsourcing in the context
of parliamentary scrutiny or public service delivery, - referenda, -
e-petitions and other forms of digital engagement etc.