The 20 most-voted candidacies have passed on to the final stage thanks to the support from other members of the PARTICIPATE OIDP platform

Yesterday, the comments and voting stage of the 12th IOPD Award finished. The 20 candidacies which had the greatest support have moved on to the final. More than 100 IOPD members with the right to vote have participated in this stage from the total of 190 users who are currently part of PARTICIPATE OIDP. During this period, the platform members have asked questions and written comments to the people who submitted the proposals in order to know the details of their innovative practices. Unlike last edition, this year this deliberative stage has been added to prompt the interaction among the members of our network.
The 20 most-voted candidacies will be evaluated by a jury of international experts who will evaluate a complete sheet of each innovative experience in citizen participation.
These are the 20 candidacies which move on to the next phase:
- Grenoble (France) Certificat d'Action Citoyenne : pour une reconnaissance universitaire des compétences des citoyens engagés dans la démocratie locale
- Taoyuan (Taiwan) 2017 Participatory Budgeting for Migrant Workers in Taoyuan
- Águeda (Portugal) The Sustainable Schools Project
- Gothenburg (Sweden) Life without violence
- Guimarães (Portugal) Fórum Municipal das Pessoas com Deficiência – Guimarães
- Luhwindja (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Partenariat gouvernement local-ONGD, tremplin de la promotion de la femme
- Bogotá (Colombia) Bogotá Abierta - Plataforma Digital de Innovación Abierta y Cocreación Ciudadana
- Quito (Ecuador) Sistema Metropolitano de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social - Proceso de Asambleas Ciudadanas y Presupuestos Participativos
- Valongo (Portugal) A More Enlightened Community, a More Participative Community
- Aserrí (Costa Rica) Valor Monetario del Aporte Voluntario (VMAV)
- Melhada (Portugal) Environmental Interpretation Center - Living Laboratory of Bussaco
- Aarhus (Denmark)- "Active Citizen Policy"
- Paris (France) Presupuesto Participativo de las escuelas
- Funchal (Portugal) Presupuesto Participativo de Funchal
- Córdoba (Argentina) Presupuesto Abierto y Participativo Ciudadano
- San Antonio de Areco (Argentina) Concejo de la mujer
- Montevideo (Uruguay) Montevideo Decide
- Yakutia (Rusia) "Local Initiatives Support Project (LISP)"
- Penang (Malesia) Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting in Penang - Different People, Different Needs
- Rumiñahui (Ecuador) Agenda Local para la Igualdad de los Grupos de Atenciòn Prioritaria de Rumiñahui