A total of 2,933 people have participated through their comments and votes on the nominations.

Between June 9 and June 23, 2022, all the nominations submitted for the 16th OIDP Award were evaluated by the members and people registered on the ParticipateOIDP platform. Each person had to support 5 proposals for their vote to be valid, in order to avoid mobilizations to support only one proposal or a specific city. The total of 122 proposals received 14,665 supports.
The nominations with the most support pass to the evaluation phase by the jury, which may recover 10 discarded nominations to make up the 25 that will be evaluated by the jury.
List of the proposals with the most support:
- Participación ciudadana en los proyectos de adquisiciones, arrendamientos y servicios del municipio de Tizayuca, Hidalgo / 545 supports
- Osasco: Workshop on Public Budget for counselors from civil society / 461 supports
- Belém: "Tá Selado" - Permanent Forum of Popular Participation / 264 supports
- Istanbul Kafe (Participation Cafe) / 234 supports
- Pour une ville des enfants : Lyon développe la participation des enfants et leur donne la parole / 212 supports
- Alcantarilla: Pactos de Desarrollo Local Participativo: "HISTORIAS DE BARRIO" / 200 supports
- Bogotá: Pactando / 194 supports
- Lutte contre la dégradation de l'environnement autour d'un Parc National: Cas du Parc National de Kahuzi Biega en RDC / 192 supports
- Tunja: "Empoderamiento ciudadano desde la multiculturalidad y el reconocimiento de los derechos" / 186 supports
- Participatory Diagnosis of the Historic Zone of Viseu / 179 supports
- Ojo ciudadano al turismo: prevención de riesgos de corrupción en la aprobación de proyectos turísticos con impacto medioambiental en Riviera Maya / 178 supports
- Bogotá: Obras con Saldo pedagógico / 173 supports
- Programa Tutores de Cascais / 172 supports
- Fortalecimiento de los saberes culturales y ancestrales de la nacionalidad Andwa de Pastaza del Ecuador (NAPE) / 161 supports
- Establishment of environmental houses in the neighbourhoods of 22 districts of Tehran / 152 supports
The IOPD Secretariat is grateful for the work of all the cities and regions that have applied and of all the people who have participated in this open evaluation phase.