14 finalist nominations for a prize to be announced and awarded at the IOPD Conference in Grenoble
On October 14, 2022, a session was organized within the framework of the UCLG Congress in Daejeon to unveil the names of the finalists for the IOPD Best Practice in Citizen Participation Award. During the session, the Mayor of Valongo José Manuel Ribeiro and the Deputy-Mayor of Grenoble Emmanuel Carros presented the objectives of this Award, which is organized every year by the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (IOPD) with the aim of recognizing innovative and transformative experiences in citizen participation and democratic renewal. IOPD coordinator Adrià Duarte accompanied them during the session.

The finalists are:
- Amsterdam and community-led energy transition for sustainable futures
- Barcelona: Foro Joven de la ciudad
- Bogotá: Obras con Saldo pedagógico
- Cascais: Programa Tutores de Cascais pedagógico
- Dannieh: Engaging the citizen to be part of the Emergency Response Plan to fight against COVID-19
- Florence: FirenzeProssima – Partecipa al Futuro
- Imbabura: Presupuesto Participativo Parroquial Rural de Imbabura
- Manchester: Legislative Theatre for GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy
- Mitcham: Community Engagement – from conflict to consensus
- Bruxelles: Commission délibérative au Parlement Bruxellois et au Parlement Francophone de Bruxelles
- Quintana Roo: Ojo ciudadano al turismo: prevención de riesgos de corrupción en la aprobación de proyectos turísticos con impacto medioambiental en Riviera Maya
- Salvador: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan in Salvador
- Sud-Kivu: Lutte contre la dégradation de l’environnement autour d’un Parc National: Cas du Parc National de Kahuzi Biega en RDC
The award ceremony for the 16th IOPD Prize will take place on December 9, 2022 in Grenoble during the annual conference.