Interested experts are invited to communicate their interest to join the jury until 30 April.

The Technical Secretariat of the IOPD opens the call to be part of the jury which will evaluate the submissions for the 18th IOPD Award.
There will be two groups of juries:
- Jury 1: for the selection of the final candidates. This jury will be composed of a minimum of 15 people (3 for each Category) and a maximum of 20 people (4 for each Category). It will participate in Phase 2, during the end of May and mid-June, to evaluate all the candidate practices and select the finalists for Phase 3.
- Jury 2: to deliberate the winning practice and special mentions. This jury will be composed of between 5 and 7 people. It will participate in Phase 3, between July and August, to select the winning practice and special mentions, taking into account the open vote of the IOPD Community.
Exceptionally, some people will be allowed to participate in both juries.
Requirements to be part of the jury:
- To have a recognised track record in the fields of the study of democracy, citizen participation, urban affairs, as well as the themes of the five categories of the 18th edition:
A) Building more democratic and peaceful cities and territories
B) Urban management and public space
C) Gender and care
D) Ecological Transition and Environment
E) Civic Tech and AI
- To have a conversational level of English to participate in the jury meeting. In addition, knowledge of one of the other working languages of the IOPD is required: French, Spanish and Portuguese. The IOPD Technical Secretariat will ensure the translation of the summaries of the submissions in English, French and Spanish.
We invite you to fill in the form to express your interest before 30 April. You can find more information in the descriptive document.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send a mail to