
137 submissions received for the 19th OIDP Award!

30 practices have been nominated for the special mention of “Temporality” for having five or more years of implementation.

The Technical Secretariat of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy is pleased to announce that we have received 137 submissions for the 19th edition of the OIDP “Best Practice in Citizen Participation” Award from 108 local and regional governments.

These public participation initiatives come from 37 countries across four continents, benefiting over 300 million inhabitants.

Additionally, 30 of these initiatives have been nominated for the special mention of “Temporality,” standing out for their sustained impact with five or more years of implementation.

This result is more than just a number: it is a testament to the commitment of local and regional governments at the frontline to defend democracy in these challenging times.

We thank all the local and regional governments and organizations that have submitted their best practices in local democracy!

Discover all the practices on ParticipateOIDP!

The received nominations have been organized into five key categories:

  • Building more democratic and peaceful cities and territories – 55 practices

  • Urban planning and public space – 26 practices

  • Gender and care – 24 practices

  • Ecological transition and environment – 22 practices

  • Civic technology – 9 practices

We invite you to explore them on the ParticipateOIDP platform and learn how different cities and territories are innovating in participatory democracy.

First phase of evaluation in progress

The OIDP Jury is already evaluating the nominations to select the 40 finalists that will move on to the final stage.

Stay tuned! In March, we will open public voting, where you can choose your favorite practices.

OIDP Conference Córdoba 2025: Award ceremony and special mentions

The local and regional government winner of the OIDP Award will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to attend our 24th OIDP Conference in Cordoba (Argentina) from May 21 to 23. Under the theme “Connect, Integrate, and Humanize: Cities Facing the Challenge of Creating Community,” this international local democracy meeting will host the OIDP Award Ceremony and special mentions.

Get involved! The call for proposals for presentations and interactive workshops is still open via this link. If you need a visa, you can download your invitation letter via this link to start the process. Remember that participants must cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Questions or doubts? Write to us at:

Local, regional, and supranational governments that have participated in the 19th OIDP Award: