Advancing Democratic Governance in the Developing World: The Role of Conflict, Complementarity, and Collaboration in Fostering Democratic Ideals, Practices, and Institutions
Although many developing countries have transitioned to some
sort of democracy over the last several decades, actual democratic
consolidation and democratic governance have remained elusive. In part, this is
because democratic ideals, practices, and institutions have not fully taken
root and become institutionalized in the day-to-day practices of politicians,
public administrators, civic leaders, and citizens. As a result, many
developing countries struggle to adequately address conflict (in numerous
forms), foster collaboration across sectoral, jurisdictional, and other
boundaries, and otherwise nurture complementary democratic forces. In turn,
ineffective practices for dealing with conflict, complementarity, and
collaboration have led to poor performance, opportunistic behavior, corruption,
and other challenges that weaken the quality of governance and undermine
The purpose of the 3rd International Conference on
Democratic Governance * is to explore the various dimensions – political,
economic, social, spiritual, and cultural – needed to advance and sustain
democratic governance in the developing world. Specifically, the conference
will bring together an international group of scholars and practitioners from
diverse disciplines (e.g., public administration, political science, economics,
sociology, business, law, journalism, international relations, and others) to
collectively examine the role of conflict, complementarity, and collaboration
in fostering and sustaining democratic ideals, practices, and institutions. In
their papers, conference participants can address numerous themes and issues,
such as:
1. Democratic Ideals, Practices, and Institutions
What democratic ideals (e.g., accountability, transparency,
integrity) are critical for good governance, and what practices and
institutions are most appropriate for enacting them? How might conflict and
collaboration support or undermine these ideals, practices, and institutions?
How are these ideals, practices and institutions affected by contemporary
changes or reforms in governance?
2. Conflict Resolution and Collaboration as Democratic
Ideals and Practices
What is the relationship between conflict, collaboration,
and democracy? How and why might (or might not) conflict resolution and
collaboration be important ideals and practices for democratic governance? In
what ways and why are conflict and collaboration healthy or unhealthy
(constructive or destructive) for democracy? What are some mechanisms and
practices for transforming conflict and using collaboration to promote
democratic governance?
3. Contextual and Cultural Determinants of Conflict
Resolution and Collaboration
Do Western norms and ideals about conflict and collaboration
transfer to other parts of the world? What cultural norms and values might make
such practices context-specific? How do trust and social capital advance
conflict resolution and collaboration? How can nations best engage in
peace-building and other post-conflict reconstruction efforts? What can we
learn from extant cases and examples about what works and what does not?
4. Representation and Participation as Democratic Ideals and
What is the role of representation and participation in
fostering democratic governance? How do they ameliorate or exacerbate conflict
and help or hinder collaborative efforts? What is the significance of racial,
gender, caste and class representation and participation for democracy? How can
such ideals (representation and participation) be used more effectively to
promote democratic governance?
5. The State-Civil Society-Market Balance
What is the appropriate State-Civil Society-Market balance
in democratic governance, and how can that balance be best struck? What role do
civil society, non-profit and non-governmental organizations play in fostering
democratic values, institutions, and practices? How can such organizations
promote peace and reconciliation, constructive conflict resolution, and
productive collaboration? What administrative capacities and resources are
needed to manage cross-boundary and cross-sectoral relationships and promote
democratic governance?
6. Scenarios of Democratization in the Developing World
What are the most serious challenges to democratic
governance facing the developing world? What are root causes of democratic
success and failure? What do cross-national comparative studies reveal about
the patterns of convergence and divergence in achieving democratic ideals and
practices across nations or regions in the developing world? What lessons can
be learned in developed nations from advanced democracies?
Submission of Paper and Panel Proposals
The conference program committee welcomes the submission of
proposals for individual papers and fully formed panels. High-quality
conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and policy- and practice-oriented research
is welcome. All proposals should: (1) briefly explain how the paper or panel
connects to the overall conference theme, (2) note the individual conference
track in which the proposal best fits, (3) include 3-4 keywords, and (4)
provide complete contact information.
Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of 250-400
words. Proposals for fully formed panels should consist of three to four
complementary papers and include an abstract of 400-600 words. The deadline for
proposal submissions is March 1, 2016. Proposals will be evaluated by the
program committee and notifications of decisions will be made via email by
March 31, 2016. Proposals should be emailed to the program committee chair, Dr.
Tina Nabatchi (
The members of the conference program committee include:
Tina Nabatchi, Committee Chair, Program for the Advancement
of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and
Public Affairs, Syracuse University
Khaldoun AbouAssi, School of Public Affairs, American
Catherine Gerard, Program for the Advancement of Research on
Conflict and Collaboration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,
Syracuse University
Louis Kriesberg, Program for the Advancement of Research on
Conflict and Collaboration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,
Syracuse University
Gedeon Mudacumura, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Shamsul Haque, National University of Singapore
Oluwole Owoye, Western Connecticut State University
Alketa Peci, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazilian School of
Public and Business Administration
Sabina Schnell, Program for the Advancement of Research on
Conflict and Collaboration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,
Syracuse University
Anastase Shyaka, CEO, Rwanda Governance Board
Publication Opportunity
Conference participants are encouraged to submit their
papers for consideration of inclusion in an edited book or special issue of an
academic journal. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Further details about
the publication opportunity will be provided in spring 2016.
Conference Sponsor and Supporters
This conference is being organized and financially sponsored
by the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
(PARCC), an interdisciplinary research institute housed in the Maxwell School
of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Additional conference
organizers include the Rwanda Governance Board and Cheyney University of
Conference Venue
The conference will take place at the Center for Strategic
and International Studies (CSIS), 1616 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC
20036. Information on registration, travel, and accommodations will be provided