
Open Participatory Budget




Córdoba Municipality

Initial date



September 2017

Type of experience

participatory budgeting e-government, open government


governance and transparency


SDG 11 SDG 16



This tool combines the instrument of the participatory budget and the economic budget with the principles of open government: Transparency, participation and collaboration. Control and transparency tools are added in real time on public works linked to the budget. And new technologies are used as a security and trust element. The union of free software, blockchain and transparency with a high degree of openness (all downloadable in Excel and CSV and even the provision of the corresponding API) makes this Open Citizen Budget a unique product in the country. 


Generate greater social empowerment and an active role of the citizen In the process of transforming cities, the Municipality of Córdoba developed a transparency and accountability tool unique in the country. Thus, the citizen can participate with a better understanding of the municipal budget without technicalities and easy to understand.


This digital tool contains budget information and its normal execution on the municipal resources own and not own, of the expenses with their different classifications oriented to reflect the expenditures by subjects, quantitative exhibition of the municipal participative budget and the monitor of public works in real time .

This digital tool allows the reception of queries, contributions and opinions by the citizen in relation to the data exposed in this digital tool. In addition, this tool has a space to measure citizen acceptance. Finally, it is worth mentioning the municipal policy of developing everything with free software. The citizen's open budget was programmed under open code with the objective that other municipalities use it for free (See code of P.A.C). The collaboration is an important pillar within the open government policy that the municipality carries out. Municipalities with that of the city of Río Segundo (Province of Córdoba) is one of the municipalities that the P.A.C used.



The project is 100% replicable since it is available from its first version as free software since it was designed with a collaborative spirit in order to be replicated by other governments and institutions. The Municipality of Río Segundo has in its open government portal its open citizen budget donated by the municipality of Córdoba free of charge with the necessary technical support. A collaboration agreement was signed between both municipalities. Today, we are also working with the Municipality of Villa del Soto so that it can implement its own Open Citizen Budget. Likewise, the team of the city of Córdoba is open to collaborate with other governments interested in these processes.

The number of visits to the website since it was published in September 2017 amounts to 6,421 visits. Numbers that reflect the good social acceptance that is given to the instrument. The municipality disseminated this tool of transparency, participation and social empowerment through its digital media, mainly through twitter channels, @GobAbiertoCba @MuniCba.


Application form: 



Comments of the jury

The Open Participatory Budget [PAC] is interesting because it raises the levels of transparency and accountability. It is also appreciated that the tool is articulated to the public audience. The contribution to democracy is clear.

As the experience is still young, it would be important to strengthen the process of evaluation and monitoring as well as the perception of it by the "non-digitized".

In terms of innovation at an international level [beyond Argentina], experience is limited in the sense that it exists in other cities with some variations.