
Participatory Process for the preparation of the regulation ordenance of the Historic Center of Aínsa




Aínsa-Sobrarbe City Council

Type of experience

participatory planning diagonisis space/workshop...



SDG 11


Information Phase: The participatory process began with an information session in late September 2012, which announced the participatory process, the working document of the council with the basis of preparation of the ordinance and called those attending the following sessions. In addition to exposing the challenge and opportunity, it emphasized the importance of this process to "grow as a community," and the opportunity to preserve the historical site. In this first phase, also developed a Talk-talk ("How are regulating historic elsewhere?") With which the management of historic centers and the different possibilities of regulation was analyzed.

Deliberation Phase: After the information phase, began discussions with a forum to participate on-line in the web part Aragon (Space Hall of Ainsa-Sobrarbe eyelash Cities and Counties) and five working groups and discussion (October 17 to October 26). Initially scheduled in two blocks of two consecutive days, four workshops and debate that followed the distribution of items on the draft Municipal Ordinance was discussed. Thereafter, on November 12, a final assessment session proposals of citizens convened to review the content of the discussions, comparing the contributions gathered again trying to arrange the proposed solutions. It was developed by presenting different images showing the options regarding the aesthetic conditions (eg, downspouts, TV antennas on rooftops, characteristics and location of the umbrellas or the marking of the places). And, in parallel, was conducting a survey or consultation regarding the review of the options presented. Likewise, the proposal to set up a public body to monitor the implementation and operation of the proposed Ordinance. Ultimately, through this phase sought to discuss with stakeholders around the issues affecting the town, get suggestions for possible solutions and try to arrange a way to regulate these matters to be included in the text.

Return Phase: The government team analyzed the records of the City and all of the contributions, but also held various meetings and contacts to enhance and prepare your own rating. In an internal meeting with different political groups represented in the municipal plenary, the final decision to move to citizenship and then a vote of the full City Council adopted. In order to inform the public regarding forecasts of future ordinance substantially modified in the public debate, a meeting was convened Return. However, it was agreed to make a final working session with further and argue that the proposed alternatives. Therefore, a final session open to all stakeholders ( February 14, 2013 ) , in which a round of evaluations of all local political groups , which exposed the latest changes incorporated convened closure respect to the arrangement of tables and chairs in the Plaza Mayor and the remaining lanes , the schedule pivoting and the delimitation of the Plaza Mayor.