
Por Mi Barrio (For my Borough – FMB)




Montevideo Municipal Government (MMG) and DATA

Type of experience



SDG 11

For my Borough-FMB is a new initiative implemented in Montevideo. FMB allows locals to report incidents to the local government. The incidents identified must belong to following categories (trees, plants, storm drains, cleaning, garbage, containers and roads). It is a collaborative project between civil society and the Montevideo municipal government.


The complaints (problems detected in the streets) are sent in 3 easy steps:

1) Detect the problem and locate it on the map of FMB. In the case that the problem already exists, users can join it.
When people go back to the web site, users can see their complaints and the other citizens’ complaints marked on the map of the FMB. Users will also see the complaints that have been solved by Montevideo municipal government and those in process.

2) The next step is the responsibility of the FMB. The task is to transfer problems detected to USC that belongs to the Montevideo municipal government.

3) And finally, users are informed the progress of the problems identified until that these get resolved. Users will receive the latest information in their e-mail.
FMB offers users the possibility to upload photos and make comments about problems detected.

The type of complaints that can be done include vandalism and damages, the citizens cannot post their specific wishes. Currently, there are 6 categories:
1) Trees
2) Plants
3) Containers
4) Storm drains
5) Garbage
6) Cleaning

The goal is to increase the number of categories, that way FMB can collect more variety of complaints. Till now, complaints outside of the 6 categories, citizens should contact the Montevideo municipal government directly.

The reason why citizens cannot do any complaint is due to the quality of the data provided by FMB. Data refers to:
- How problems can be solved?
- How long will it be before problems are solved?
- Level of satisfaction problems that are solved

Where problems detected are not into 6 categories, data provided are not of high quality.