Lousa City Council
This experience was presented as candidate for the IOPD Award for Best Practices in Citizen Participation 2015
The first edition of the Youth Participatory Budget was the promotion and awareness of entities in the Municipal Advisory Council for Youth and Sports (CCMJD) and the Schools Teachers with young people. At first, it took us several briefings to mean what the Participatory and that steps the process consists Budget.
In late 2012, the CCMJD discussed some projects that had already been presented and decided by consensus that they should be formalized before the City, the following projects for evaluation Council:
- "Skate Park" - Project Youth Employment Centre and Viva la LOUSA High School Association, which was associated with the full support of the Student Association;
- "Creative LOUSA Shirts" - youth project LOUSA Group of Schools;
- "Horse Thursdays" - the ARCIL Young.
The City Council decided unanimously to establish the project "Skate Park". The proposal has been budgeted, but the execution site was not defined because the enclave requested was not feasible.
The City Council has proposed a location for project implementation, however, the Municipal Advisory Council of Youth and Sports, as well as students who practice the sport of roller skate and place of application refused considering that the only possible place - owned by the Municipality of slate and located between the Municipal pool and high School - would not allow expansion.
Therefore, there are no alternative spaces for the project; it was decided to indefinitely suspend execution of the skatepark.
The following year, in 2013, is committed to the dissemination of youth participatory budgets by the Board of Lousã, beginning with a promotional booth at the Youth Week in collaboration with ACTIVAR (ENABLE). In this case, many young 63 ideas were collected.
Also around this time, are approved at a meeting of the City Council standards Participatory Budget Rules young in 2013.
They advance several briefings for all schools and various parts of the county, in order to promote the project and gather ideas. Attended by hundreds of young people and 31 project ideas are collected.
At the same time, both the City of Lousã and Activar, lent support to develop proposals for the Youth Participatory Budgeting in different places. Therefore, all young people could be helped in the process of preparing their projects.
In June Participatory Final Assembly, at which time the deadline for submissions ends Young PB 2013. They voted 65 young from 13 to 35 years, 3 projects that received a total of 195 votes were.
Were put to the vote 13 projects, the most valued:
- "Paragliding School" (most voted project) - institutional project, the Parish Council Vilarinho, where the proponent was young;
- Computer Space and Mini Library
- Institutional Project for Serpinens sports association, proposed by a Young
-Banking Exchanges (barter): proposal of a youth, with the support of the Association of Social and Cultural Development
- EcoDespierta Lousa: design of three Young
Auditorium: two young design supported by several associations.
In late 2013, met CCMJD, who conducted the public presentation of the winning project - Paragliding School.
Advancing for the third consecutive year of the Young participatory budgeting in March 2014 Week of Entrepreneurship, was launched in 2014 the Youth Participatory Budgeting.
The following months were to publicize the project, performing various briefings by county parishes, schools, institutions CCMJD Lousa, marketing on social networks and various events.
In early June, 8 projects were presented.
After Participatory Assembly for submitting classroom projects for the general public and the municipal executive is held, improve the proposals, written presentation and analysis of the technical feasibility of the three projects were excluded by providing for the establishment of private companies.
The 5 projects subject to voting were as follows:
- "Boulder LOUSA" - project of a citizen;
- "Golf Bogueira da Areia" - Volley Club project;
- "Lousã the move" - proyecto de la juventud socialist whiteboard;
- "Louzan lives the forest" - project of the National Body of tapping Grouping 656 Lousã;
- "Mission Pat'Ajudar" (project with the most votes) - propuesta con el apoyo ciudadana de la asociación care los animales.
In early September, was held in Lousã, the "Intercultural Roundtable", a youth meeting with young Turkish city of Izmir.
In this context, a presentation was made to the group of young Participatory Budgeting in Lousã, also making public communication of the winning project of the Participatory Process 2014 - Mission Pat'Ajudar.En esta reunión asistieron miembros del Consejo de CCMJD Intercultural Roundtable Group y otros ciudadanos y entidades que han presentado propuestas para el presupuesto participativo joven de 2014.
A finales de este año, el Ayuntamiento de Lousã se reunirá con el contratista seleccionado para iniciar la estructuración y ejecución del proyecto. También comienzan a estructurar cambios en el Presupuesto Participativo Reglas joven siempre para mejorar de cara a los siguientes años.
El año 2015 será de aplicación / ejecución de proyecto "Misión Pat'Ajudar" y del lanzamiento / desarrollo del presupuesto participativo joven de 2015.