
10th Award “Best Practice in Citizen’s Participation” outcomes


The last May 6 2016 the ceremony of the 10th IOPD Award was held within the framework of the 16th IOPD Conference held in Matola, Mozambique. The award will recognize innovative, inclusive and successful experiences of citizen participation promoted or channeled by local governments or other government actors.

Altogether 36 nominations from 15 countries were presented, and the prize was awarded according to the criteria of an international jury composed of members of IOPD.

The Award results were:

-       Award Wiinner: “System of Citizen Participation” Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil”

-       Finalist: "Public consultation on reducing dependence on fossil fuels" Montreal, Quebec, Canada

-       Special Mention: “Participatory Budgeting of Ampasy Nahampoana /  Region ANOSY, Madagascar

-       Special Mention: “Your home, our commitment” Observatorio Vasco de la Vivienda (OVV), Basque Government, Spain

-       Special Mention: “Health Impact Assessment” de Plaine Commune, (France)

-       Special Mention: “I participate” Project from the Municipality of Palmela (Portugal)

-       Special Mention: “Rumiñahui Management and Participatory System” del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Rumiñahui (Ecuador)

We invite you to read the final document of the X OIDP which includes summaries of the 36 nominations. Link