
Participatory planning, social inclusion and rights to cities:

Networking event at Habitat3: how will cities contribute in the implementation of the new global urban agenda? 20 October 2016 02:00 – 04:00 PM Room R20 Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrion".


For the first time in history, more than half of the world population lives in cities. This urban growth occurs mainly in developing countries. In the next twenty years, a doubling of the urban population is expected in the two poorest regions (South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa).
In these countries, more than one billion people live in slums and daily face health risks, risks associated with vulnerable or dangerous jobs, external shocks due to natural disasters (Tacoli and all, 2015). All these risks are compounded by poor governance insufficiently responsive to the needs of the communities to transform the slums into vibrant and well integrated neighborhoods.
The proposed networking on the topic of sustainable cities built on social cohesion and equity, wants to be a moment of exchange between urban development actors, participatory governance, mutual learning and positioning territories in the new agenda World urban.

2. Mains objectives
The session to be held has the following major objectives:
- Capitalize the advances and challenges of the cities for the management rights to the city.
- Share participatory democracy practices such as bottom-up approach to governance based on communities needs
- Develop an action plan to catalyze the role of cities in the implementation of the new urban agenda