
Madrid starts a citizen consultation about pedestrianization of Gran Vía

From 13th to 19th February Madrid citizens will decide how to improve Gran Vía and make it more appealing to pedestrian.


Madrid starts a citizen consultation about pedestrianization of Gran Vía


The consultation will be from 13th to 19th February through the website and presently in urns distribuited in municipal centers and streets. All registered people in Madrid from 16 years old can participate in the consultation.


The questions, indicated by Sustainable Urban Development area experts, will be:

  • Do you agree in improving pedestrian space of Gran Vía through the ampliation of sidewalks?

  • Do you consider necessary to increase the number of pedestrian walkways in Gran Vía to improve pedestrian communication?

  • Do you consider necessary to improve the conditions of back squares linked to Gran Vía in order to use them as a relaxation space?

  • Do you agree in keeping Public Transport as a priority in the traffic of Gran Vía?


This citizen consultation is held after the experience of ampliation of sidewalks during Christmas and after Madrid major, Manuela Carmena, announced at the beginning of the year the intention of carry out actions to improve this street for the pedestrian.