
Madrid inhabitants can decide which projects will be financed with the 100 million euros of the public budget 2018

The process to present projects to invest 100 millions euros in participative budget starts the 18th January.


  • people can propose projects, support and vote

  • the government assume the responsibility to decide which project will be executed since 1st January 2018

  • More information: &


    Out of these 100 millions, 30 will be destined to projects for the whole city and 70, for projects in each district. The distribution by districts will be proportional to population and inversely proportional to per capita income.


    Sending Projects


    18 January-6 March



    11 March-25 March



    26 March-14 May

    Final Votation


    15 May -30 June


    Sending projects

    From 18th January to 6th March, anyone who is registered in Madrid can create a project of spending for the whole city o for a concrete district.The 100 millions will be distributed in a purse for projects for the whole city and another for each district.


    In each district there are projects to debate, think and work together about the projects dropped in Decie Madrid website or in any of the 26 offices of Public Attention that you can find in different points of Madrid.


    Support and evaluation of projects

    From 11th to 25th March verified users of Decide Madrid can support projects of spending for the whole city and the district they prefer. Most supported projects will pass to the final votation.


    City Hall will study if each project meets the legal and viable requirements until 14th May. If it does, City Hall assesses how much would cost to carry out the projects.


    Final votation

    From 15th May to 30th June you can decide which final projects, even if it is for the whole city or the district, will receive 100 millions €. You can become mayor and choose all the proposals you want until the whole budget is spent.