
International Training Session on Participatory Budgeting - Dakar 2017

This international session was held in Dakar from 28 June to 08 July 2017


This international session organized by the African Academy of Local Authorities in partnership with Enda ECOPOP and ASSOÀL and in collaboration with United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (IOPD) in Dakar from 28 June to 08 July 2017 brought together various nationalities from Africa. 

In Africa the participatory budget draws since the early 2000s, more and more attention of national and local leaders of civil society and international development agencies. For African local authorities on the participatory budget process is a powerful tool contributing to the implementation of new global agendas. Recognizing the value of participatory budgeting in the governance and development of the country as authorities began the policy of decentralization in the country.

It also allows citizens greater voice in the budgeting and management of public resources and services. Participatory budgeting is recognized not only as a means for better budgetary efficiency, but also a solution to direct public resources to the poorest and ensure better fiscal justice, social inclusion, economic and deepening the decentralization process and accountability vis-à-vis the rulers of citizens.

Thus the target through this session is to create a pool of francophone African skills able to support local communities in developing their budgets according to a governance approach focused on the needs of citizens and an ethic of transparency management .

This session is divided into three parts information the trainer Mamadou Bachir Kanouté that are  : 

First revisit  the Participatory Budget concepts and principles , including the institutional framework of decentralization and local finance in Africa, history and introduction to participatory budget, dimensions and principles of the budget and finally the application conditions the participatory budget in the context of African local authorities.

Then  practice review methods and implementation approaches of participatory budgeting in local authorities, with a presentation of tools, case studies and participatory mechanisms and finally enable each participant to develop a  draft plan of action  for use the skills acquired during the training.