
Scotland: Community Choices Budgeting Framework for the operation of the 1% target for Local Authorities

COSLA and Scottish Government have worked together to develop and agree a framework that at least 1% of local government budgets will be subject to participatory budgeting by the end of 2021


The Scottish Government and Local Government have a shared vision for communities to have greater participation in decision making. One way in which to do this is to involve people and communities in funding decisions which should ultimately achieve better outcomes. Included in the 2016/17 programme for government was a commitment from Scottish Government to work in partnership with local government, to have at least 1% of local authority budgets subject to Community Choices budgeting. Community Choices budgeting, better known worldwide as participatory budgeting, is recognised internationally as a way for local people to have a direct say in how public funds can be used to address local needs. It is one method which can be used alongside other models of community engagement and empowerment as part of a wider strategic approach to advancing participatory democracy. This Framework Document has been drawn up collaboratively by the Scottish Government and COSLA to provide a high level guidance for local authorities on how to deliver the target set out in the programme for government. 

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