The European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) is organized annually by the City Council of the Municipality of Valongo, bringing together different initiatives such as conferences, interviews, inaugurations, courses, theaters and exhibitions.
This pan-European event takes place around 15 October, in honor of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, signed on this date in 1985. Local and regional authorities from 47 member states of the Council of Europe are invited to organize public events, with the aim of in:
• Mobilize European citizens around the theme of local democracy, increasing their knowledge and involvement in local policies.
• Encourage elected representatives to intensify and deepen the dialogue with citizens to revitalize local democracy.
• Promote the role of the Council of Europe and, more particularly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in strengthening local democracy and respect for human rights in Europe.
In the context of this week, the Citizenship and Youth Division of Valongo organized the IV International Conference "Paths to Follow" which, this year, due to contingencies caused by the pandemic, will take place in a completely digital format. The IV International Conference "Paths to Follow" will take place between the 19th and 20th of October and will have 6 different panels.
On October 19, at 2:30 pm (local time in Portugal), the International Conference "A Global World - Networks for Participation and Financing in Citizenship" will take place, counting on the presence of International speakers with recognition in the areas of citizenship and participation.
In this sense, Valongo City Council invites you to attend this conference. Participation is free, subject to a registration limit.