
Contributions to create the Participatory Democracy Index are now open

The ParticipateOIDP platform hosts discussions and contributions to the process to create the new Index of Participatory Democracy (IDP)



The IOPD Technical Secretariat invites members and partners to contribute to the creation of the participatory democracy index (IDP) through the ParticipateOIDP platform. 

If you're not already registered we invite you to sign up.

The objective of this index is to be able to measure the implementation of participatory democracy at the local and regional level, and to see its evolution over time. The IDP will collect lessons learned and provide an action-oriented methodology to improve the quality of participatory democracy by calculating an index and publishing an annual report on the state of participatory democracy.


These are the options for participation: 

- Make general contributions to the index

- Participate in the discussion on concepts: what we want to measure / participatory democracy definition


Or follow and contribute to the six groups of indicators

- Participation and civic commitment

- Transparency and accountability

- Inclusion, equality and equity

- Effectiveness and efficiency

- Transversality

- Solidarity


Furthermore, the minutes of the second meeting for the creation of the index which was held on 21 April and which was attended by experts from all over the world are already available.

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