
Call for the IOPD General Assembly 2022

The IOPD General Assembly is the meeting of the network members to discuss and decide on the political direction, thematic priorities and work plan of the organization.



We invite all IOPD member's cities and governments, as well as collaborating organizations, to participate in the General Assembly that will take place within the framework of the IOPD 2022 Conference in Grenoble from December 7 to 10


This year the General Assembly will be held in two parts: a preparatory working meeting on Wednesday, December 7 from 15:00 to 16:00 and the General Assembly session on December 10 from 9:30 to 12:00.


General Assembly Preparatory Meeting

Wednesday, December 7th from 15:00 - 16:00 

This session will present the working documents to be adopted at the Assembly and will be open for amendments and proposals to be included in the debate.



General Assembly 

Saturday, December 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The plenary session of the General Assembly will adopt decisions on the operation of the network and will be the space for political debate of the conference. 






The IOPD needs your contribution in order to carry out its mission of promoting democracy through studies, exchanges and projects.



Call for applications to host the IOPD conference in 2024

All cities interested in hosting the IOPD conference in 2024 can submit their candidature before November 28th. We encourage you to consult with the technical secretariat for more information. Read more


Call to join the IOPD Coordination Committee

We invite IOPD cities that would like to become more involved with the network to apply to become a promoter member. Promoters commit to participate in the political direction of the network and make some financial contribution.


Currently the promoter members of IOPD are the cities of Barcelona, Grenoble, Montréal, Sfax and Valongo.


More information about the promoters members 


If you are interested, please contact the technical secretariat at

Call for the formation of a regional office

IOPD members in a country or region may decide to organize themselves into a regional antenna. If you wish to open a consultation process to form an antenna, please contact the technical secretariat at  

More information on regional offices



Contribution to the IOPD Work Plan 2023

If you have any proposal to incorporate to the 2023 work plan: activities, working groups... please contact the technical secretariat at

We recommend that you book your travel and accommodation as soon as possible.

Useful links