
São Paulo will host the Open Government Week 2023

The event will have an online program, from May 8 to 11, and a face-to-face program, on May 12


Open Government Week (OGW) is an annual international event to strengthen the promotion of open governments by encouraging civic engagement and civil society agendas. It is promoted by the Open Government Partnership (OGP), comprising leaders, civil society, advocates, and citizens. With more than 1,600 partners in over 60 countries, OGW brings together doers, leaders, and thinkers to share ideas, discuss solutions, and inspire reforms for transforming the way governments respond to their citizens' needs. 

This year, as it happened in the previous year, the Controladoria Geral da União (CGU) and Brazilian local governments members of OGP Local (Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Osasco and Contagem) came together to build a joint agenda for discussions on topics related to Open Government. On this occasion, the Ministry of Health also participates in the organization, with the support of the National Secretariat for Social Participation (SNPS) and Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP).

The event will have an online program, from May 8 to 11, and a face-to-face program, on May 12, in the city of São Paulo. Shared tables and panels are scheduled to address social participation, open data, transparency, integrity, responsiveness of public administrations and other topics, focusing on the experiences of government and society.  

The sessions will be broadcast live on CGU's YouTube channel, with no need to register previously. The face-to-face activities will be held at FECAP, previous registration. Check out the complete program

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