
127 applications submitted for the 18th IOPD Award 2024!

New record number of 47 applicant countries in this new edition of the IOPD Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"!


The Technical Secretariat of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) is pleased to announce a new record number of applicant countries for the 18th IOPD Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation." In this 18th edition of 2024, we received 127 submissions from 47 countries.



We thank everyone who made this exceptional result possible! We are pleased to bring together the latest innovations in participatory democracy worldwide at the local, regional, and supra-local levels.


We invite you to discover all these practices on the ParticipateOIDP platform, where you will find them organised according to the five categories of this edition: 


A) Building more democratic and peaceful cities and territories

B) Urban management and public space

C) Gender and care

D) Ecological Transition and Environment

E) Civic Tech and AI


We announce that the first evaluation phase is now open. The jury is evaluating the applications according to the five categories above to select the finalists. As established in the terms and conditions of the award, 40 practices will be selected for the final phase. 


Voting will be open to the public from mid June, after the first evaluation by the jury. We will be back soon with more information. 


These are the local, regional, and supra-local governments that participated: