
The city of Chengdu, China, has won the 8th IOPD Distinction "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"


The city of Chengdu, China, with the experience: “participatory budget, rural public services” has won the 8th IOPD Distinction "Best Practice in Citizen Participation" award by the IOPD in recognition of participatory experiences for their degree of innovation, social inclusion and participatory success. A jury of 24 members of the IOPD including local governments, universities and institutions of civil society has failed this distinction. 
It has also been recognized with a special mention the following experiences:

- La Gestión Pública en el Fortalecimiento Productivo y Social: Una experiencia         participativa en asociación con las Comunidades Campesinas de Huachis             (Perú)
- Controladores Ciudadanos en la Ciudad de México (México)
- Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting in Penang (Malaysia)