
Participate! Grass-roots democracy & development in Africa

Thursday 10th July 2014 at 6pm


Jules Dumas Nguebou
The Society of Booklovers, Cameroon

David Satterthwaite
International Institute for Environment and Development, UK
Drinks and light refreshments will be served

Registration is essential as space is limited or 020 7222 4006
This panel discussion is the launch event for The Booklovers, The Mayors and The Citizens, a publication about grass-roots democracy in Cameroon’s capital, Yaoundé.

Through a process known as participatory budgeting, municipal authorities and local residents jointly decide how to allocate public money. 

Participatory budgeting is neither a developmental “silver bullet” nor a universal panacea. But it can deliver much-needed public works in areas that would not otherwise benefit from state involvement.