World Bank Institute / OECD
This paper was prepared by Joanne Caddy, Innovation and Integrity Division, OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate (OECD/GOV) and Tiago Peixoto, European University Institute in 2006. The study is the result of a partnership between the World Bank Institute, the World Bank’s Eastern European and Central Asia Socially Sustainable Development Division (ECSSD) and OECD, and is part of a larger social accountability stocktaking exercise conducted in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. More than 100 initiatives were identified through this larger stocktaking, the results of which will form a companion publication to this study. Overall management of the stocktaking was undertaken by Mary McNeil, World Bank Institute, and Shahridan Faiez, ECSSD, with the assistance of Irina Petrovna Novikova