
Nonprofits Integrating Community Engagement Guide


The Nonprofits Integrating Community Engagement (NICE) Guide offers information, tools, case studies and other resources to help nonprofit groups develop core competencies on constituent and community engagement. The NICE Guide is designed for organizational development experts, management support organizations, and internal and external consultants to facilitate efforts to integrate the voice of community members and constituents into the daily practice of nonprofit organizations.

NICE is a joint project of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management (The Alliance) and the Building Movement Project (BMP). The Alliance is a membership organization that seeks to improve the effectiveness of those in the social sector and to help nonprofits and communities achieve positive social change. The Building Movement Project has published a library of materials to guide organizations to integrate social service and social change. Key among BMP’s resources is Social Service to Social Change: A Process Guide, a foundational document that can inform consultant learning and contribute tools and resources when working with organizations