
A session on Participatory Budgeting was held at Africities Summit


On December 1 was held the Session "Participatory budget, social inclusion and right to the city".

Agenda of session
1. Opening and introduction  :
Opening statement from Calisto COSSA Matola Mayor, President of IOPD
Allocution of Jean Pierre Elong MBASSI, General Secretary of UCGL Africa
Allocution of Alioune BADIANE, Director Programme Division UN HABITAT,
Session guidance, Bachir KANOUTE, Enda ECOPOP Coordinator

2. PANEL 1 
Presentations of citizen participation and PB's experience in African contexts: inventory, practices, advances and challenges
Honorable Deputy Aida MBODJ, County Council President Bambey, Senegal.
Jules Dumas NGUEBOU, General Coordinator of Assoal Cameroun
Honorable Mrs MWAMIKAZI Baharanyi Espérance, Provincial parliamentarian and et chief Sud Kivu DR Congo


4. PANEL 2 
Citizen participation and participatory budget: a tool for operationalization of the new issues on the agenda of local authorities
 Charter of rights to city (Pr Giovanni ALLEGRETTI, CES/University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Visiting Fellow at the School of Architecture & Planning, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg)
 LENA LANGLET, coordinator of the Democratic Dialogue Program of the Sweish Association of Local Authorities, SALAR/SKL
 The summit “Habitat 3” in perspective (Pr Yves CABANNES, DPU/UCL London).

5. Debate  moderated by the chairman of the session

6. Summary, reading of recommendations and adoption (Mansour DIAGNE Enda ECOPOP and MOBIO Logbé Carine ROPAO) (20min)